An All In One Inclusive Solution For
Your Maintenance Requirement!

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How It Works?

How It Works?

What would be the most important and basic facilities required for a house? Electricity and water supply of course! And that's why GoodX is mainly focused on providing experienced Electricians and Plumbers through our mobile application with an on demand model of booking.

However, we also know that our customers require skilled personnel for other home maintenance services too. To settle this problem, GoodX has developed a unique classifieds feature where customers can chart and post their work requirements and enjoy the advantage of browsing through multiple quotations for their work and selecting the best one which suits their budget and convenient.

Why choose Good-X?

GoodX is the ultimate solution for any Plumbing and Electrical needs. We have 100+ verified partners in Thrissur. We have a seamless working model where essential maintenance services can be booked according to the convenience of the customer.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to give you peace of mind by assuring that your home is in good hands and well cared for by specialists who have expertise in home maintenance as a core competency.

Our Vision

To create local job opportunities, turn around the toxic work culture for handymen and help elevate their standing in the working world by closing the gap between the worker and the customer along with ensuring premium, affordable and timely service to our customers.